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Application interface

The ActiveView interface consists of panels. There are two main types of panels: lists and details.

List panel

Company list

A list panel contains the following elements:

  • Rectangle icon (top right corner): expands or compresses the panel (switches between normal and double size).
  • Cog icon (top right corner): opens a menu with additional rarely used tools.
  • X icon (top right corner): closes the panel.
  • List: single click selects a row (you can use ctrl and shift keys to select more than one row); a single or double-click (depending on user settings) opens details; a click on a column heading sorts the table by that column (or switches between ascending and descending sort order).
  • “Pager” (bottom left corner): shows the current page of the list and allows switching between pages.
  • Create button (bottom right corner): allows creating a new item.

Details panel

Site details

A details panel contains the following elements:

  • Rectangle icon (top right corner): switches between basic and full details view (i.e. shows or hides less important item details).
  • X icon (top right corner): closes the panel without saving changes.
  • Fields with item details: editable and read-only fields; clicking on fields with the “>” icon on the right opens the sub-details panel (e.g. a list of routes associated with a site).
  • More/Less: the same as the rectangle icon.
  • Remove button: removes the item.
  • Apply button: saves changes without closing the details panel.
  • Save button: saves changes and closes the details panel.
  • Cancel button: closes the panel without saving changes (the same as the X icon).
av_manual/application_interface.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/01 10:42 (external edit)