Table of Contents


Alarms detected by ActiveView can be accessed through two lists:

Both lists allow selecting an alarm and opening its details.

Processing alarms is considered the most important task for the ActiveView user. Therefore, when a new alarm occurs, ActiveView notifies the user with sound and visual notifications.

Alarm life cycle

The alarms detected by ActiveView are grouped by sites which they come from. What this documentation calls an alarm is in fact a group of alarms, which occurred in succession.

An alarm is always in one of the following states:

When an alarm occurs and is detected by the application, it is in the New state.

If another alarm from the same site occurs, it is added to the existing one. The state does not change. If, on the other hand, this new alarm is from another site, ActiveView treats it as a new alarm (it is listed as a separated item).

When a user Acknowledges an alarm (by selecting a corresponding option), its state changes to Acknowledged.

Now if another alarm from the same site occurs, it is again added to the existing one. This time however, the state changes back to New. These state changes (from New to Acknowledged and back) can occur any number of times.

When an alarm is in New or Acknowledged state, a user can mark it as processed (by selecting the corresponding option). The alarms state changes to Processed and cannot be changed back (this is the end of the alarm’s life cycle).

If one more alarm from the same site occurs, ActiveView treats it as a new alarm (it is listed as a separated item, in New state).

Alarms list

To open the alarms panel, select Alarms in the main menu.

Alarm list

The alarms panel contains the following elements:

Both lists are updated automatically, as soon as a new alarm is detected or alarms state changes.

Alarms in both lists are sorted first by priority (the most important alarms at the top) and then by the time of detection by ActiveView (the oldest at the top of alarms with the same priority).

On both lists, there are the following data available for every alarm (from left to right):

On the alarms lists, there is a context menu for an alarm available. It contains the following options:

Alarm menu

Alarm details

The alarm details view contains detailed information about the alarm. It also allows performing the actions associated with it.

Alarm details

The alarm details panel contains the following elements:

The following actions are available:

Displaying photographs from the AT Mobile application

If the user of the AT Mobile mobile application has sent a report with a photograph and a comment, covered with a selected type, then after entering the “Alarm details” view, two new events will appear on the list: NEW_PHOTO and CONTENT_READY.

After clicking on NEW_PHOTO, the list with detailed information on the report from the mobile application will open.

After clicking the CONTENT_READY button to open the list, where, apart from the device name and type and the identification number in the Content item, a link will be available to display the photograph. Clicking on Click to see the photo will display a photograph taken from the AT Mobile mobile app on the right.

Alarms browser

To open the alarms browser panel, select the Alarms browser under the Alarms tab in the main menu.

Alarm browser

Alarms in the browser can be searched by the following criteria:

The > button executes the search. The X button clears the search criteria.

Alarm notifications

ActiveView notifies the user about alarms in two ways. It changes the appearance of the Alarm tab in the main menu and it plays sounds.

Full visual notification

Both notification types have two stages: subtle and full.

Subtle notification means that:

Full notification means that:

Alarm notification follows the following rules: