User Tools

Site Tools



Every person that uses Active View online platform needs to have an authorized account profile with login name and specified password. There is a different levels of access to that platform.

To open the application user list, select Administration → Users from the main menu.

You can create a new user and edit or remove an existing one.

User list and user details

Types of users

There are three types of users:

  • Manager,
  • User,
  • End User.


A Manager has access to all ActiveView functionalities (except administration on the server side).

Example: Security company ARC manager or office manager.


A User’s responsibility is to process alarms. This type of user has access to:

  • Alarms section,
  • Reports section, without periodic alarms.

Example: Security company operator working at ARC.

End user

An End user represents someone who has contracted the security agency to protect his/her company.

This type of user always has a company assigned. He/she can have access to all or some of the company’s sites. He/she is allowed to view events and alarms only from these sites and from devices linked to them.

An End User can view (but not modify in any way):

  • alarms – he/she can browse and search for alarms, but cannot open alarm details or perform any action on an alarm;
  • reports – he/she can generate reports on demand, but cannot view or configure periodic reports;
  • the company that is assigned to him/her (with additional details, like contacts);
  • employees of the company;
  • sites he/she has access to (with additional details, like contacts);
  • routes for these sites;
  • devices linked to these sites.

Example: Employee of the customer that is authorized to control security company and the services they provide with our equipment.

User details

Every user has the following properties:

  • Login – blank characters and the @ (at) character are not allowed.
  • Name
  • Password – to avoid errors, it has to be entered twice when a user is created.
  • Role – type of user.
  • Company [available if Role is set to End user] – a company assigned to the user.
  • Sites [available if Role is set to End user] – a list of the company’s sites (down arrow opens the list, “check” button selects all, X button clears selection); the end user has access to those which are selected.
  • Visible events [available if Role is set to End user] – a list of all events and alarms (down arrow opens the list, “check” button selects all, X button clears selection); the end user sees only those which are selected.

NOTE: When a user logs in to the application, he/she must use his/her login and a code of the organization he/she works for, separated with the @ character. For example, a user called John who works for EBS should log in as john@ebs.

User types

av_manual/users.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/01 10:42 (external edit)